Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day3 posted late but what the hey

         OK people this day has been so jacked up that I am even posting this late I almost didn't want to and no pictures, but I must. Firstly I did get in some exercise we had made a run to the market(we as in mu bff and my husband) which was a good hour to a hour and a half of walking. A good half of that was walking in snow, walking in snow to me is like walking in sand your not getting any were quick. Any who I will break down my horrendous day OK so before I posted my blog I had fell asleep for only like 20 minuets and that ever so brief nap I was up till like 7 in the morning. I didn't want to stay up that late. I started to get sleepy around 4am but I knew they would be posting the school closings soon so I just tufted it out. I found out made some you can sleep in calls and watched some youtube vids till I passed out. Now mind you I fell asleep around 7 at like 8 my brother wakes me to ask me something then at like 10 the phone calls come in so after all that I slept till about 4 or 5 o'clock. so as you can see breakfast and lunch are done dinner is almost out of the question. Dinner was late but at least it was a good meal. Baked chicken and steamed broccoli the bad part of that is that wile I was washing dishes and cleaning up I was popping cherries by the end of the night I had eaten almost a pound. I know that was way to much. I hope Thursday will be better.

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