Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 7

Well there wan't any real exercise  this day unless you add fun time with the But  a ok food day non the less I didn't have breakfast so lets move on to

this was good a lean cuisine i think it was steak and mushroom with broccoli i also added a half of a thomas's bagel thins a friend of mine Nicole
from youtube turned me on to them if you are a youtuber she channel is saphre1964 <----Click to directly there.

This was good i made it myself yes steak again but i had been missing out in some protein
the last couple of days also i know yall the potatoes on he plat but i didn't eat them all plus i
didn't eat all the steak either

and of course with every meal i had my lemonade homemade with splenda
hope everyone had a great WLS day!!

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