Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 9

Uggh no exercise to day and I have no excuse =(. I did pretty good with eating no breakfast of course but for lunch I had this awesome salad.....

steak salad it had two kinds of cheese parm and cheddar and baco bits it was a romaine mix and super super good

the dressing i used yummo
dinner time steak salad again but kicked up i added blue cheese, iceburg, pecans and balsamic glaze
 i used that and the other because the other one was like 9 sugars 120cal

balsamic glaze only 20 cal for 2 tbs
the balsamic only has 2 sugars

my finished salad i had water with both
I hope everyone had a great WLS day!!


  1. mmmm that looks good. how much of the salad are you able to eat? i find that with salads i have an open pit in my tummy :( but i LOVE them!

  2. Your salads look delish! :) I love mixed green salads too - I like the idea of adding steak - heaven knows I need to get in more protein.

  3. ladies the salad was so good my hubby wanted some and yes jen i,m a pit too. after making the salad i was so glad to have leftovers. thank you ladies for reading
