Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Loving Husband

            I think I have said all I can say over the course of the 14 days of valentine's day event so you know just how much I love and adore you but I saw this and thought of you. I love you now and forever more.....


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 19

             No school again for the kidos but I knew that already as I told you yesterday the city was on lock. But I made it out the house a little today nothing to far needed some basic supplies for the house, but that was an adventure on it's own so let's just say I received adequate exercise for today. No breakfast this morning but there is just cause I was up all night resechering couponing and stockpiling. I am seeing that it is worth wile and could possibly make me some money too. So by the time I was done taking notes I looked up to see day light so I headed to bed for a nap because the kids would be up before you know it luckily they were up late the night before and I was able to get a couple or hours in before I pushed my self out of bed to get ready to go to this store.
My Outing Today...
bundled and listening to linkin park

walking up my street

 Good news I did have lunch and here it is......

ham and cheese melted on crackers

and for dinner.....

i know it don't look all that good but grilled cheese on slider buns yummo

raspberry jello sf drink a tsp and a half of jello powder in a oz. of hot water to dissolve add water to taste try it 

I just thought this was so cool =)

the neighborhood kids made a fort next to my house that was so cool and cute the kids in my old neighborhood
would not have entertained them selves so creatively better area better kind of kids i guess idk but i got a kick
out of it.
           Just to let yall know I had some fun with the snow shall I say I got pushed into it my bff thought it would be funny to push me in a massive pile of snow in front of our house after a mild snow ball fight. Ahh to feel young again.

Ok People Happy and Healthy eating WLS Peepz!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 18

               Well the entire city of Philadelphia was on lock down at least for the most part no buses nothing the streets were a deserted waste land and was I going out in that mess oh hell naw. So in doors my family stayed well most of them the kids wanted to go out side in the yard and play in the snow. I let them out to enjoy the fresh snow that had fallen the night before. My youngest son wanted to go out but if she stepped out into the snow it would have come to his chin at the most. lol As funny as that would have been to see I told him no. I didn't want my baby to be a little Popsicle. lol 
             So there was no exercise to report but I did had all three meals. Lazy days like these I was lazy all the way around so there re no picz. But I had cream of wheat for breakfast and for lunch I had lunch meat turkey with melted swiss cheese on it and for dinner all I ate was a little bit of cabbage. So that is how my day broke down still trying to make good food choices. One day at a time....

And as alway Happy and Healthy eating my WLS Peepz!!!!!

I leave you with the image from my window tonight....
it's blurry because it's still snowing

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 17

My day starts off like.......

Well as you can see i got  my exercise x10walking the kids to school this morning.

no pic of breakfast but i did have a couple of slices of turkey lunch meat and cheese melted

i love greek yogurt  the sugars are a little high this one is 19 i don't dump tilli hit 22-25 so this was safe
lunch is served beef sweet sausage with melted swiss

schools closed early so i was back out in the streets

after waiting for like 45 min for a bus the only one to go by is a school bus just to park

walking back home
still looking for a bus

almost home now

din din sauteed veggies and pot roast (from wawa) with cheese 

it's still snowing 

good news school's are closed tomorrow
our car snowed in lol

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 16

        First off I am sorry no picz to day but I did have all three meal again today YAY!!!!! 

       On to exercise I walked my children to school  and picked them up and there goes my hour of walking there. Food in take I had like a half a cup of cream of wheat and for lunch I had leftover breakfast sausage heated with melted cheese yummo!! I had it the other day there is a picz on my other post for a snack a bag of nacho chips two large cups of water. Dinner I baked chicken and some corn and mac and cheese but I only had a spoonful of mac and cheese with a bag of reduced sugar oj. Imma try to get picz for tomorrow.Till then.....

Happy and Healthy eating my WLS Peepz!! =)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 15

Awww man yall would be proud of me. I had all three meals today Breakfast lunch and dinner.No picz I'm sad to say buy i got it all in. W00T!!!!! 
Ok so here is the break down (as short and sweet as it my be)...

Breakfast a pice of leftover turkey, Lunch a pice of leftover turkey lol, and dinner chopped turkey salad which was quite good I must say.

Tomorrow I am heading out to the market i think i want steak for dinner tomorrow. Speaking of market my exercise for today was to drop my son off at school and tonight i walked over to the market. We will just call it an hour of walking altogether. Ok i am seeing now that i need more food unadventurous in my life making that marinade and the whole process was fun and i don't get to do it often ( i have picky eater in my house).

Well I guess that's it for now Happy and Healthy eating my WLS Peepz!!!!

Day 14

             Ok so yesterday I went over how I cleaned my kitchen. Well I was up at like 5 in the morning cutting down the turkey for Sunday dinner then I made the marinade (of my own creation came out good to =)...), cleaned the kitchen again and mind you I went down there for some breakfast also I haven't had any sleep at this point. Now it's close to 7a.m and I just remember what I went down there for lmbo!! I didn't have lunch because I finally got some sleep. Woke up at about 3 or 4 p.m. and went at it with dinner.

the turkey parts that i cut down and marinated looks good hun?

green beans yummo!!!

Garlic mashed potatoes i didn't have any
Ok I'm done for this day Happy and Healthy Eating WLS Peepz!! =)

Day 13

       As you guys my or may not know I have been mega stressed out as of late but I still watched out and kept a note of what I ate and when I ate it. So this post is soooo late. Plus my babies have been sick spreading their germs all over the house. 
         This started off unfortunately with out any real exercise I had a late night night the night before and I and had no plans on waking up early even the kids went to bed late the night before so we all can sleep in hell it's the weekend for crying out loud. Did plans turn out like I wasted them to.....NOOOOOOO. Dear ole Dad dropped my oldest two off at my house at well I don't really know because none woke me up when they got here I was a wakened to the sound of like 30 kids rough housing. What a way to wake up I know. I had made plans to got to their house in the early afternoon.  The kids over here are sick why bring healthy kids over here to get sick and pass it on to my grandmother. I just hate it when my father acts with out knowing call me e mail. text something. There are the daddy issues I was talking about before comes into play. 

             So all in all the only workout I had was in m fingers I did both of their heads. I took their braids out washed and did more braids. Needless to say my back neck shoulder and fingers were crying in pain but was I done? No, I felt compelled to clean the kitchen as I cooked dinner. SO yes I skipped breakfast (I was Sleep) and Lunch was a miss too (doing hair)I did stop for a little bit and have a half a bowl of cereal cherrioes ans 2% milk i'm all out of silk light. for dinner we had Hamburger Helper stroganoff this one has wheat noodles instead of regular flour.

         I was my sister birthday so we all gave her a call and wished her the best. Love you sis!!!!<3

Well that was my day. On to the next one. Two more that needs to be made up. =( I should just do them on the day because I hate to make them up. like now!!!!! 

Any who.....

Happy and Healthy eating WLS  Peepz!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 12

       Ok let me start off by saying I had breakfast but embarrassing as what i had is I didn't take a pic. Also I didn't exercise either to day but they do say having sex burns calories so there you go. The hubby really knows how to drain my batteries. lol My food run down was good today also I broke my daughters fever tonight and she is almost 100% YAY!!!!

lunch was leftovers from din din the night before i shared with my daughter she got her apatite back but we still couldn't finish it all lol

mmm had split this with my daughter too sf pudding yummo!!!
my tea w/ splenda hot hot hot went with my dinner

idk whet to call this uhhhh.... a meatball sub hold the bread it was so good  
now this ...... this i will call my everything but the kitchen sink microwave protein cake  what's in it you might ask well there is sf hot chocolate mix rice crispys and pecans and  the norm if you don't know. click the link below. 
the world according to eggface

Oh and fyi the cake will last me like two days that is if my hubby don't get to it first. lol

Happy and Healthy eating WLS  Peepz!!!

Day 11

     Well exercise lest get that out the way. I had my walk dropping my son off at school my daughter stayed home she has a cold with a fever. And in the afternoon I picked up my oldest two from school. This as you can see is being posted late but if you look at the posting before this you will read what I started going through. I am luck to have eaten at all but here is the run down........

this is my fav lunch at my grand mom's house it's leftover breakfast sausage w/ cheese  i had 4 pieces  it was so good i almost forgot to get a pic

my snack

dinner for tonight no not the whole thing but for the house it's apple and sage pork chops that was sooooo good
my fav drink had it with dinner

and my lemonade homemade if you don't know made from splenda  i drink on this all day

Happy and healthy eating my WLS PeepZ!!!!!!!

Pre op's check out this site valuable info

Her name is Doctor Viel Robinson and she has some valuable information and tip to get your journey started right. Please check her out and follow her

Happy Eatting WLS Peeps!!!!

The Importance of Therapy After WLS

          Never  before have I realized that importance till this past 48hrs I mean really realized it. The mental stress that I am and have been under. Now if I admit that something is wrong then I have to face it but if I don't admit to it it's like if they AREN'T REAL!!!! But once you say it out loud and to someone......well for me it opened a can of worms so to say. But you know what I think once it 's out and in the open you know acknowledge it. I can get over things that I carried with me that should have been dealt with a long time ago. 

        My issues reach so far back that I still harbor feeling from my teen age years. My father promised me he would take me bowling if I passed the 7th grade. Needless to say I never went. Thank's to my sister and my bff three years ago took me bowling for my birthday and I had a blast. Why do I still have feelings about that because that was something I wanted to do with my father. Have some cool memorable experiences with my dad. I have a lot of daddy daughter issues.Also baby daddy issues, baby mama issues, death issues, financial issues I wont continue but there are more.
         I spent maybe a good 4-5 hrs. thinking and trying not to cry and two or more hours actually crying. Every thing that I have kept bottled up came pouring out. First thing Monday I will be calling my surgeon and getting the number to the therapist that did my phyc eval. they told me that if I ever needed to talk that I could come back. Trust me I am going back..........

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 10

      Yeah I got some exercise to day I dropped off the youngest two  school age kidos and i picked up my oldest two I didn't have breakfast of course also I didn't have any lunch as well. I had a lil snack of tuna on crackers and cheese. I guess thats good enough right. Which made me over do it some what at dinner. But I will show you any how......

 My dinner steak salad it has every thing like last night except the cheddar cheese. If you want the run down you have to check out day 9. A long with the dressing that is there too =)
a lean cuisine spinach and mushroom pizza i added thin strips of steak. i wound up eating the tops off and leaving the crust. Oh and i didn't eat all the salad either. =(  it was sooooo good to the hubby finished it off for me. He is making progress when i met him he was a total meat eater. Now i have him eating salads. lol 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 9

Uggh no exercise to day and I have no excuse =(. I did pretty good with eating no breakfast of course but for lunch I had this awesome salad.....

steak salad it had two kinds of cheese parm and cheddar and baco bits it was a romaine mix and super super good

the dressing i used yummo
dinner time steak salad again but kicked up i added blue cheese, iceburg, pecans and balsamic glaze
 i used that and the other because the other one was like 9 sugars 120cal

balsamic glaze only 20 cal for 2 tbs
the balsamic only has 2 sugars

my finished salad i had water with both
I hope everyone had a great WLS day!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 8

        Got some exercise today on this Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday I took a trip to the gynecologist and for some shopping maybe a good two to two in a half hours of walking all together and once again no breakfast and realyy not much of s lunch mostly a snack and some dinner. Hope everyone had a great WLS day!!!! 

yes i know these aren't good but aat least they are baked but i do like these chips better

Only 10 cal and sugar free

i had half wile waiting to be seen and the rest on the way home

dinner time sloppy joe no bread extra cheese

i can't get enough of these lol

Day 7

Well there wan't any real exercise  this day unless you add fun time with the But  a ok food day non the less I didn't have breakfast so lets move on to

this was good a lean cuisine i think it was steak and mushroom with broccoli i also added a half of a thomas's bagel thins a friend of mine Nicole
from youtube turned me on to them if you are a youtuber she channel is saphre1964 <----Click to directly there.

This was good i made it myself yes steak again but i had been missing out in some protein
the last couple of days also i know yall the potatoes on he plat but i didn't eat them all plus i
didn't eat all the steak either

and of course with every meal i had my lemonade homemade with splenda
hope everyone had a great WLS day!!